Republic day of Nepal, a poem and a post. | Hamro Patro

ब्लग - साहित्य / नेपाली चाडपर्व तथा महत्त्वपूर्ण दिनहरू

Republic day of Nepal, a poem and a post.

On the eve of the 13th Republic Day, the atmosphere of the Republic of Nepal is something special and very hopeful this year. The steps taken by the country of Mount Everest are indeed possible if we sustain the spirit of unity and patriotism within. Happy Republic Day.
I start with a poem today, this goes like this,

I would like to buy a piece of land in Limpiyadhura
Another at Lipulekh and next at Kalapani
And settle my three sons at each of these places
I would like to search for the missing pole our border and manifest a clear demarkation from Chandani Dodhara to Mechi
For my nation, for my nation

And you, the whole world community, in any country or place, are reading and listening to this, aren't the small and weak countries of this world having the right to defend their borders? Every Nepali's first boyfriend or girlfriend is their soil and we Nepali condemn and disapprove the Indian encroachment in our lands at Limpiyadhura, Kalapani, Lipulekh, Susta, and several others. Apparently and straight, Nepali knows to love and care their neighbors but our land is our ultimate and beloved property, forever.

Nepal as a republic nation, a brief history
Let's start with the meaning of republic and here we are borrowing the definition of the world-famous English university Cambridge according to which a republic is a state system where the elected representatives of the people rule without a king or queen.

Before the advent of the republic in Nepal, to be the head of state, only a person born in the royal family, i.e. the children of the king, could be a royal member who grew up in the royal family. Looking at the change of time, every citizen born in an independent and republican Nepal today is born with the possibility of becoming the future president (head of the nation), based on his freedom, patriotism, and competency.

Today, a new blueprint for a republic has been drawn up in Nepal in the form of seven different provinces and provincial governments, under a federal format.

In the first meeting of the historic Constituent Assembly on 28th May 2008 (Jestha 15 2065BS) Nepal was declared a federal republic by ending a century-long monarchy.

It is being celebrated every year on the 15th of Jeshta with various programs commemorating the historic day of the declaration of the republic state.

In honor of the historic day, Nepal celebrates its 13th Republic Day. Congratulations to all of us Nepalis on entering the 13th year of the Republic of Nepal.

After Prithvi Narayan Shah, the hero of Nepal's unification, since its establishment, Nepal was ruled by a unitary system of governance, this country is taking an early step in its republican path. Let me also clarify that a republic system is not always against the monarchs, in the Nepal republic system also acknowledges the contribution of monarchs and praises the fundaments built by them.

Remember that Nepal is one of the most unique and wonderful countries in the world for its geographical, social, and cultural diversity. In honor of this historic day of Jeshta 15, the government has given a public holiday today and all Nepalis celebrate it as a celebration of respect, achievement, and attainment of a democratic republic.
Now today we want to remember the great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the establishment of a republic in Nepal. Long live peace to all those Nepali immortal souls who have been martyred in the 10-year armed conflict.

The real value of their sacrifice can never be found by spending a few lakhs of rupees on a program and building chowks and chautaras in their name, only by the institutional practice of the republic we can value their contribution. No one can be deceived, those martyrs are watching, they are watching the corruption, ethical bankruptcy in politics and every single move within and beyond the parliament which hampers or opposes the mandate of people's revolution.

Manure made from bombs, bullets, and shrapnel on the walls of houses during the armed conflict is still there.

And there are the same pains in the heart, the series of memories of losing a relative, adopting a disability, and the memories that come before the eyes of a missing family member.

Stories of suffering are still running like a republic at the crossroads where rivers of blood have flowed.

When will Nepalis be able to make a living in the country itself? The series of carrying a sleeping Nepali in a closed box, returning as a crippled body must be ended, the end of the foreign migration is demanded by the republic system. Let's also aspire towards creating a self-reliant and economically independent Nepal. When will the rule of law and development rise above the power struggle? Such million questions remain unanswered.
Today is a day of pride and excitement, so today the Nepal Army blows the victory alarm in the morning.

Today, gatherings, programs, and interactions are held in many places across the country, including Tundikhel Kathmandu. In the evening, a candle burning program is also held in memory of the tireless warrior martyrs of the republic.

On the occasion of Republic Day, prabhatpheri (Group morning walk for solidarity), sports, discourses, seminars, and cultural programs are being held in all the seven states today. Similarly, various programs will be held at Nepali embassies, diplomatic missions, and consulates abroad and Diwali festivities will also be held in the evening. Let the crimson color express Nepali identity for eternity, may it attain immortal fame. Let the Lophophorus bird fly in all four directions, let the Nepali hat and Mount Everest remain high, and let the rule of law prevail, let the country achieve political, social, and economic stability.
Yes, I am Nepali, I am proud to be Nepali and let this pride remain a force. Hail to Nepal, Hail to my Nepal. Good luck!

Sithi Nakha: ancient and scientific festival.

It is the month of Jeshtha, the clouds have started flying to carry water in the sky, now both the sky and the earth are ready for the rainy season. When it comes to the rainy season, the first thing that comes to mind is the purity of the water and the cleanliness of the well. For the preparation of the rainy season and for the cleaning of the water source, according to the Newa civilization and rites, it is customary to celebrate the Sithi Nakha festival every year on the day of Jeshtha Shukla Sashti.

Just as Kathmandu is popular as a city of temples, so is Kathmandu a city of pottery and ponds, wells, stone fountains, and boreholes. Considering the cleanliness and orderliness of these things which are very important for water resources, it has become a custom to celebrate Sithi Nakh. Today, the importance of Sithi Nakha to Kathmandu and Kathmandu residents has increased even more.

This festival also highlights the importance of water source conservation and the need for clean water. Today, it is customary to worship around wells, boreholes, and ponds and to clean up before worship. In this way, after everyone has gathered and worshiped, the far-reaching ritual of being religiously and culturally compelled not to litter there throughout the year is commendable.

It is believed that the water resource should be closed for a few days after cleaning in Sithi Nakha to stabilize the water level. When water is cleaned, it is cleaned by entering inside the dug wells, ponds and boreholes, and by doing so, the underneath wastes like mud, silt, and sediment come up to the surface of the water. After cleaning the spring in this way, milk, ghee, honey, curd, and other things are added there. There is a fact that the water source in the Kathmandu valley is not clean and full as before, resources have degraded because of rapid urbanization and mismanaged constructions/ habitat.

No matter how much rain falls, there is a cement floor around it, so the water source will not be able to absorb the rain. Due to this, most of the water sources are drying up and the people of the valley have to depend on pipes, tankers, and jars for water.

On the day of Sithi Nakha, after the collective cleaning of the water source, it is customary to go to each other's home to greet and the welcome is delivered also through offering traditional Newa food such as Bara, Chatamari, Choyala, etc. On the same day, Chandi Devi is worshiped at Chaskhel in Bhaktapur and Kumar Kartikeya (Son of Lord Shiva and Parwati) is worshipped at Jaisidebal Kathmandu. Kumar Kartikeya is referred to by the community as a picture of eight lotus flowers placed at the entrance of his house or an artistic expression carved in metal, the entrance of traditional Newa home is decorated by such artistic metal lotus.

Want to talk a little bit about Kumar Kartikeya, this son of Shivaji is described in the Puranas as a colonel in a supernatural army, referred to as Mahasenani. This strong man, Kumar, who can kill demons like Tarakasur is also described as the son of Ganga. It is said in the Puranas that he had six heads and was on the banks of the Ganges at the time of his birth. The river Ganga itself flows through Shivaji's Jata, so the form of Ganga has a lot to do with the water and its purity.

A unique blend of environment, milieu, and lifestyle, this festival has been teaching us the lesson of water and spring sanitation for centuries. Public awareness programs are being run in the Nepali community through foreign projects, from hand washing to drinking clean water. If we look closely, our old and ancient traditions are scientific and transformative in themselves. Good luck to Sithi Nakh: May our water source and mind be both pure and clean.

Suyog Dhakal

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Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.