The Krishna Paksha Ekadashi after Kartik Purnima is Utpanna Ekadashi. This is also known as Utpatika Ekadashi. This is associated with the origin of all Ekadashis and their significance.
As "Utpatika Ekadashi" is the first of all Ekadashis, those who take the brat of Ekadashi should start the Ekadashi brat ritual from today. Ekadashi falls twice a month as "Krishna Paksha" and "Shukla Paksha", of which Ekadashi after the full moon is called Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha and Ekadashi after no moon (aaunshi) is called Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha.
Awful demon Mura was extraordinarily powerful, he defeated the whole godly assembly of Indra Loka and captivated Indra Lok.
To end the tranny of Mura, Lord Shiva suggested to seek help from Lord Vishnu. Mura was based on Chandrawati city, gods reached there. Lord Vishnu and Muracame across each other. Sudarshan Chakra and divine Gadha both was proved less effective to Mura. Then it was converted into MallaYudhha (One to one fight without any weaponry).
Lord Vishnu hide at Hemvati caves after the prolonged battle. Mura tried to kill sleeping Vishnu but to counter the attack a powerful feminine power was born out of the divine body of Vishnu. This feminine power killed Mura.
This luster of Lord Vishnu was Yagya Maya, Lord Vishnu blessed her that anyone who observes fasting for her shall get rid of all sort of sins and achieve salvation.
Yagya Maya bestows Dharma, Dhanya, and Mokshya to her devotees, and Ekadashis manifest Yagya maya and her divinity.
Best wishes for this day.
International Mountain day
पखेरुमा जन्मे
टाकुरमा खेल्ने
म झुक्दै झुक्ने नेपालको छोरो
For centuries, the mountain has been revered in the Nepali environment and way of life. On this year's World Mountain Day, best wishes to the world from Nepal, the capital of the mountains.
Today, December 11, the world has been celebrating Mountain Day in recognition of the high mountains and its significant contribution to natural life.
We Nepalis are known as the citizens of the country of Mount Everest. 43% of the total land area of the country is covered by hills, of which 15% of the total land area is occupied by mountainous areas. In this sense, we are the main focus of World Mountain Day and we have a great responsibility for the changing colors, temperatures, and the life cycle of the entire animal kingdom. Today, the earth is being affected by changing global temperatures, the snow-capped glaciers of the past are constantly turning to the black stone, the places where snowfalls are constantly raining, and various vegetation is appearing in such places.
About 1 billion people worldwide live in the glaciers of these mountains. They rely on the mountains for food, fuel, and employment, but these gigantic mountains are at risk for several reasons, including climate change, soil erosion, and indiscriminate use of natural resources. Today, all the human beings in the world seem to be united for the protection and support of the mountains by improving their habits.
Let's all engage in homework including safe living and protection of mountainous areas, Happy World Mountain Day to all!
Suyog Dhakal
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