जोगिरा सरररररररर, कुन तालमे ढोलक नाचे कुन ताल मजीरा कुन तालमे नटुवा नाचे कुन ताल नजारा के वोलो सारारारारारारारारारारा के वोलो सारारारारारारारारारारारा
The loud and bright Terai Holi.
Today, players of different colors of the country, including Kathmandu, are relaxing. In fact, those who enjoyed the colors in the hills, inner Madhes and central hills of Nepal, exchanged colors and ecstasy yesterday. Now it is the Holi for flatlands and scattered trees of Terai. Traditionally, Terai region celebrates this festival a day later. Holi is commemorated for the victory against Holika, Terai people celebrate this victory on the next day of Holika Dahan. In this tale, citizens of king HiranyaKasyapa's kingdom were divided into two parts, in the support and against the prince Bhakta Prahlad. Prahlad was accused of praying Lord Vishnu in the Kingdom and palace of King Hiranyakasyapa. Hiranyakasyapa was against Lord Vishnu and never liked his own son being the devotee of Vishnu. Later Holika (King's sister) and Prahlad sat on the flaming fire but the fire refused to burn Prahlad as Holika turns into ashes. In this victory of truth and purity against untruth, People celebrated Holi. Teria people commemorate the Holi the day after this historic incident which makes Terai Holi a day after.
However, Terai Holi is also said to be a day after because of the Mithila Parikrama (Ancient religious walking following the pathway of Lord Rama and Mother Sita), Mithila Parikrama wraps up on the Falgun Poornima and the next day Holi is celebrated.
Be it anything or any reason but Holi is manifested in vivid colors, louder feelings and in a brighter way at Nepal Terai. The pervasive use of colored powder was started during the TretaYug when Lord Rama won the battle against Rawana. Terai Holi is a depiction of the Awadh celebration of Holi, Ayodhya is the fountain of Holi celebration. Songs are sung with the vigor in Maithili and Vojpuri languages and the legacy is captivated in words and melodies. Underneath the waxing moon and along with the traditional musical instruments, Holi gets more and more colorful as the day matures. Ponds are colored, glasses are filled with Ghotta (Traditionally prepared tranquilizing drink made of Vaang and Milk), and kitchens flow the aroma of Taruwa, varuwa and Malpuwas (Traditional delicacies).
जोगिरा सरररररररर,
कुन तालमे ढोलक नाचे कुन ताल मजीरा
कुन तालमे नटुवा नाचे कुन ताल नजारा
के वोलो सारारारारारारारारारारा
के वोलो सारारारारारारारारारारारा
Dholak is the key identification of Terai, a traditional musical instrument which is used in delivering messages to villages and also as an alarm for the commencement of any festival or rituals. Here this song states that a Jogiraa "An average Terai person" is dancing on the beat of Dholak and Jogiraa can hardly manage his beat according to Dholak because he is intoxicated by the holy drink of Holi. Jogiraa travels from one village to another, filled with love and compassion Jogiraa is in his ecstasy, in this compassion, Jogiraa hardly can find any difference between pain and pleasure, he swims in the waves of devotion and humanity. You don't have to get drunk or intoxicated to be Jogiraa but Holi demands a higher level of brotherhood, humanity, and compassion.
In Holi today, in many places of the Terai, Natuva dances in traditional Natuva attires. Natuva means traditional dancers who delivers a story through their dance, they can act both male and female. The tingling horn of cycle, the hay pinnacle on the backyard, the small stepping line between two fields (Khet ko aali) and the grain storing traditional store (Bhakari) at the courtyard, everything gets colorful in Holi.
Kanchan Ban Ram khele Holi (Ram plays Holi at KanchanBan), a traditional village at Mahottari district, Nepal. This is one among the mostly sang song during Terai Holi, Western Terai of Nepal also brings the Holi experience played with soft mud, this must be an incredible experience of Holi. Holi lightens every dismal nights, May the color and light of Holi illumines every corners of this planet.
Happy Holi, Holi Heyyyyyy
Suyog Dhakal
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